
Our responsibility for employees and sites.


Our employees are very important to us. We are aware that daily teamwork forms the basis for our success. We work under the following motto: 100% Team Tönnies – Responsibility for food.
Tönnies has consciously decided to continue to manufacture the majority of its products in Germany. The company is committed to the location of Germany. Although we have been trying to attract qualified employees for years, we are also feeling the effects of the skills shortage.

Sven Geier

Human Resources

Our actions

Like all companies in food production, we have faced a skills shortage for years. For this reason, we have been aware for a long time that we have to train employees from outside the sector and integrate them into our production processes. We have thus developed several actions to use and integrate employees from outside the industry. We support employees as they integrate into the region and in learning the German language. We are partners with the responsible municipal authorities and points of contact in order to secure good housing conditions for the employees and their families and to support communal advisory services, both financially and with our expertise.

At many sites, Tönnies is in intensive discussion with the responsible persons and committees for the city and municipality. In some locations, it is our aim in the medium term to help ease the market for affordable housing. In doing so, we offer the responsible communities the chance to work with us on a solution to this public task. Tönnies is also open for discussion at any time: if an employee is affected by unsuitable housing, this can be reported to the company via our offer of dialogue. We can also contact the responsible authorities in this regard.

In cooperation with the adult education school and other education providers, Tönnies offers its own employees and employees of service providers the opportunity to attend language courses. In individual courses, employees can learn the language from teachers trained in teaching German as a Foreign Language [Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)]. The company subsidises the courses to develop the language competence of its employees.

In addition to the housing situation, some sites require additional effort for the successful integration of employees into the region and for expansion of the local infrastructure. Tönnies is aware of its responsibility as an employer and supports the relevant communities in areas such as childcare, nursery school placements, school enrolments and medical support.
Sport connects people. BSC Rheda – the company’s sports team – is a good example of successful integration. At the same time, other steps are necessary to help Tönnies employees become part of society. Tönnies constantly maintains contact with regional providers to initiate other offerings in addition to the language courses and make them available to employees.

Tönnies is committed to certain “corporate compliance rules”. This also results in guidelines for ethical behaviour. The Code of Conduct specifies the areas in which Tönnies expects ethically responsible behaviour from its employees. This Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the Tönnies Group.

We regard the protection of human rights as a central element of our corporate responsibility. We base our commitment to respecting human rights on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Below you will find our human rights policy statement.

Fair and respectful behaviour towards people, animals and the environment as well as compliance with applicable laws and regulations form the basis of our work. In this context, our aim is to take appropriate account of the associated duties of care in our actions, to prevent the associated risks, to minimise them or to put an end to any violations that have occurred.

Many of our colleagues are in Germany for the first time and are coming into contact with our legal, social and organisational system for the first time. This brings uncertainties, which we endeavour to prevent through a variety of measures as part of our responsibility. These include a code of conduct, zero tolerance for human misconduct, a technically enhanced, low-threshold whistleblower system (toennies.integrityline.com), native-speaking integration officers as independent contacts and cooperation with social services around our locations.

Fair and respectful behaviour towards people, animals and the environment as well as compliance with applicable laws and regulations form the basis of our work. In this context, our aim is to take appropriate account of the associated duties of care in our actions, to prevent the associated risks, to minimise them or to put an end to any violations that have occurred.

Our regional responsibility

Tönnies is active in markets around the world. However as an economic engine and employer, we keep a close eye on the regions in Germany in which our sites are located. Locally it is our top priority to be a good citizen and to fulfil our responsibility as a regional company.

It is important for us that:

  • we are, and remain, a secure and future-proof employer for our employees
  • we work with producers, suppliers and partners from the region wherever possible so that we strengthen the local economic power and become a stronger partner for them
  • we support, and create, new opportunities so that foreign employees, feel comfortable with their new life when they arrive and can integrate into the community
  • we maintain a good relationship with the residents in the area around our sites so that we can openly discuss the role of our sites and the expectation of residents
  • we are committed to the social development of the region and support existing social institutions as well as clubs that we can participate with
  • we implement climate- and environment-friendly production processes at our sites and use natural resources, for example, water, sparingly

Ask us!

Make up your own mind and have your questions answered at first hand. Please ask so that we can give you answers and better understand what is important to you.
Our contact partners Jasmin Koch und Martin Bocklage will answer your relevant questions here. If the content of the questions is the same, we group the answers together.

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    Sven Geier

    Human Resources