Hygiene and safety instructions

Together, we bear responsibility for food. Therefore, please heed our hygiene instructions.

Start News & Dialogue Hygiene and safety instructions

Today you will visit or work in our production facilities. In these rooms we produce food for millions of people in a multi-stage process. You might also be eating products from our house in the following days.

Together, we bear responsibility for food. Therefore, please heed our hygiene instructions. Every single instruction is an important part of our food safety programme.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely Dr. Gereon Schulze Althoff
Head of Quality Management and Veterinary Affairs

Our most important regulations

Clean hygienic clothing must be worn in the production area. If necessary, disposable overalls and a safety helmet must also be worn. Private clothing must not be worn over hygienic clothing.

Hair must be covered with a hair net. If the beard is longer than 3 mm, additional beard protection must be worn.

Watches and visible jewellery are prohibited in the production area. Artificial or varnished fingernails are also prohibited. If jewellery or fingernails cannot be removed, your contact person can provide disposable gloves.

Before entering the production facility, the hands must be cleaned and disinfected. After going to the toilet, hands must be washed and disinfected, then the hygiene gown must be put on again. Touching equipment, packaging and products is only permitted if instructed to do so.

Private bags and personal items such as private telephones, medicines, cameras or glass items are prohibited in the production area. Photography and filming is strictly prohibited and only permitted with the express permission of the management.

Smoking is generally prohibited. It is only permitted in marked areas. Eating, drinking, chewing gum, etc. are prohibited in production areas and are only permitted in the canteen and recreation rooms.

General instructions for visitors

First-time visitors or employees must fill in and sign the visitor instructions with their registrations form. In the case of work lasting several days, register daily with the plant security before the start of work and deregister at the end of the workday. The visitor pass must be worn during the entire stay and returned with the end of the employment. The loss of the visitor pass must be reported immediately upon registration.

Please park on the marked parking areas. Driveways, entrances, exits, escape routes as well as fire extinguishing and rescue facilities must be kept clear.

In the case of evacuation measures, the instructions from the evacuation and fire helpers as well as the rescue workers called in must be followed and the designated assembly points must be visited.

Our facilities are monitored by camera. Visitors and works are only permitted to stay in the area of the agreed field of activity.

All access doors must be kept closed. Access to the company premises is only permitted after registration.

Special regulations für service providers

Please follow the instructions for accident prevention and emergency management. Please report every accident and every dangerous situation to your contact person immediately.

Adhere to all fire and safety regulations.

Fire doors must not be blocked or wedged.

Caution: When using materials that come in contact with the product (e.g. seals): Verify that they comply with food law.

Electrical devices must not be operated without supervision. They must comply with DGUV regulation 3 (BGV A3) and have a visible inspection stamp.

Glass and hard plastic fractures must be reported immediately to the Tönnies contact person. All foreign bodies, residues and impurities must be removed immediately.

On the company premises, the road traffic regulations and a speed limit of 10 km/h apply to all vehicles. Forklifts have right of way!

Wear personal work gloves and work shoes may only be worn in a clean condition in the production area. Keep site and working environment tidy and clean.

Work in the production area is only permitted with proof of IfSG instruction.

Objects brought along, for example tools, must be rust-free, clean and made from material safe for use with food. They must not contain any wooden components or leather.

A release of welding and cutting work must be obtained in writing for the complete company premises. Residues must be removed and products as well as equipment must be protected from contamination.

Hazardous substances, lubricants and work equipment brought along must be registered before starting work, unless they are listed in the hazardous substances list. Safety data sheets and operating instructions must be carried along.

Confirmation of hygiene guidelines

Confirm for the period of the last 14 days:

    first name


    E-Email address

    Occasion of visit



    Did you suffer from diarrhea and/or vomiting?YesNo

    Have you had attacks of chills or sweating? YesNo

    Were you susptected of sufferung from salmonellosis?YesNo

    You are approved for our production area.

    Please inform your contact person.